Its some what of a RANT I just cant post everything right now.
This is the recent mess, I will roughly explain here.
First and foremost the Case is being hidden from the public I cant find it and I got like 8 months of video of checking the public docs,
Where I was called Vexatious how could this ever be seeing that I had a therapist and overseen by two people because I needed them with the TBI who helped me to write the New defendants accusation for them to be summoned so I could move forward with the case (I am injured from their keeping me in a jail and denied me clear urgent emergency medical and remember most people dont have to show evidence at first however I just did to ensure their summons yet was still denied even know 3 people without a TBI helped me write it using court rules and procedures) and with showing from several cases of recent date that a show of Good Cause existed when someone who is physically hurt, other cases with a mental condition thats ignored even in a minor sense in both are a Deliberate Indifference to a serious medical condition and the people I summon alleged in their reports that I was medically injured both mental and physically (With confirmed chronic medical condition by them and some from other doctors and such was sent in with the complaint) and was still deliberately ignored and then by placing me a chair strapped in with swollen legs, a head injury and extreme anxiety and while mildly hallucinating from the head injury (Left to scream for medical until I passed out for 10 days 4-8 hours a day) that was confirmed by the hospital and then before this had previously caused injury from their neglect all why not providing medical for this and is clearly the definition of Deliberate Indifference to a Serious medical condition I presented Cases to show this exactly in a short explanation as asked by the court.
Now I can see if the guards and medical where stopped by procedure or a higher up then its not but it is still their fault in a sense but thats their issue with the county so how can I know this without them being a defendant how could I ever get justice but without showing what im doing I busted this court on Fraud big time im slow and it has taken awhile but I understand now how it works (Not to mention one of those Vexatious motions was for basic Discovery that I was being denied AND then THE MOTION WAS DENIED) hence no way to get any justice at all, (Can someone say Fraud by a Judge) their just hiding the case and then deny I have a legal claim despite a crystal clear show of their duty to, there intent, the Legal standing, and the injured party when only duty is needed to have a case enough where a injured party brings claim, so like hey I have a TBI and YES the first complaint was horrible but I asked for legal assistance repetitively I explain the TBI and I showed plenty of injury, since I have studied the law with every energy left in my bones I have fought true and clear Harassment and intimidation with clear massive injury (That they also denied my right even know its a Duty of the federal judge to investigate any claim of injury or threats but they didnt even want to see it could it be because its against the whole police force?) (I could not post the big stuff forgive me its about to be a lawsuit)
A proceeding is said to be vexatious
when the party bringing it is uot acting bona fide, and merely wishes
to annoy or embarrass his opponent, or when it is not calculated to lead
to any practical result. Such a proceeding is often described as “frivolous and vexatious,” and the court may stay it on that ground. Sweet. (Blacks Law Dic)
So how is wanting discovery being Vexatious, wait till you see my motions I just cant post it yet not the energy and time nor the health and financially I have zero support the cops even intimidated my church from buying battery's for my medical chair causing them to LIE and claim they had NO FUND to help a handicap man with Handicap utility's (Not give me money just buy the batterys who at first said sure no problem) the same church that pays off medical debt to random people, yet you have no fund to help a man who shows you clear medical injury and clear need of a medical item and food to help his medical NEVER asked for anything more financially. (I believe one should always come to the church for help its the proper place when you truly need it) I dont blame them for being intimidated its common sense why to prevent you from hearing about this.
As to rights there are several reasons to prevent me from entering that court room, even know the judge wrote it up all nice to sound like im wrong but when the facts hit of what this judge has seen and denied its going to come real clear.
A court that does not allow the assertion for rights when clearly not being even basic tactic Ohio court services. Why be the state left behind. I will create another site when I have financial and decent medical presence as good days are rare and I have so few.
Care to debate me..
Lets see what rights are we asserting..
Im working on adding more I have to many cases and ZERO help.
Questions ! There own forms are screwed up and so I get blamed for it, when I am asking repetitively for any court services to help me and see harassment (I was blocked from most court sites rules even from I showed my computer hacked everything images and video) yet still being ignored HELLO from your police causing injury to me hence a TBI that is well documented hello why are you not helping me do I need a lawyer who his own moral and common sense judgment is against the rules of the court that they find out the last day of Law school ;o to enforce my privileges as a injured man who has had business in this city for years.
Harassment )Cant share yet praying for relief.
I had to get a dictionary and read the constitution because I could NOT look at the law it was great for a TBI (Sarcasm) with Evidence IMAGES im waiting on posting, then the servers on my network several Police reports (WAIT TILL YOU SEE THAT WOW)
You can unsure I will update weekly but you will just have to read over it to see the new updates forgive me I hope to find someone to help me update it.
This was a first draft I did NOT use the one I sent but its very close, I didnt add alot here because as you can see im about to proceed on the case.
Notice how under ORC Rules for a Complaint it says give a BASIC statement I went as far as to show Case law the most basic I could find to just compel a sure summons so I can ask them questions you know follow up on the events by any standard that summons should of been sent by all means. The first complain was much more detailed on their acts but they said dont do that but see I added case law this time yet I still didnt get a summons so what if they guy would have not slammed my head into the floor would I have never got any justice at all? Coming from a guy who has asked the court with disability in mind to please help assist with any legal aid and yet the legal aid number wasnt even given.
(Edit above)
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