Click here for events that lead to the Jail
Noticed Both of the knees I say are SUPER Swollen (Look at how sloppy my hand writing is) and most the pages are missing and medical reports....
Notice the Prednisone 20MG (I believe it three times a day) but I had to demand medical because they didnt want to take me to the doctor even after they moved me cells to get me away from the Noise cause I was Hallucinating where in America does this happen? (Hence I have White Matter Syndrome) my brain was swelling.
Why would I even be asking for a Knee Brace when all the below is going on and their was much more, then why would I be demanding to go to their medical and not the Hospital?If it does not make sense its not correct.

So somehow within what two days it started swelling? doesnt add up does it, they edited their Medical notes big time because around this time a huge concern was that the imprinting of my skin and from how much swelling of both legs but the left has noticeably larger (Note worthy is other inmates where yelling about it saying how wrong it was I dont remember a whole bunch but the inmates seemed more concerned about my health, I mean you got someone who came in normal and was nice to everyone didnt cause no problems (they were not these harden criminals that come to mind) so then im laying in bed cant move, both legs swollen can hardly speak and confused begging for medical help to the medical and guards I think the only reason I got help was because of how obvious it was I do remember the shift Guard saying how messed up it was and if it was up to him he would of been called a life squad, He was the one who told the Medical if they didnt let me see the doctor he would write a report on them, So then finally im allowed to see a doctor HOWEVER I was refused to talk about it to the doctor by the guard ONLY about the legs like they stood right next to me, I was just allowed to show the swollen legs and while it is really fuzzy I remember the guard yanking my arm like no your finished but I had less then 2 or 3 minutes in that room.
Dont even remember it happening hello this is on the list to watch for on the hospitals HEAD INJURY report they sent back with, I didnt even know the hospital had found a head injury until I got these records. Later I was placed in a chair strapped 4-8 hours a day because I was begging and screaming for a doctor or hospital but because it cost to much or some other sinister reason remember I am hearing mumbling and legs swollen to the max and falling all over the place and soon as I got out I was instantly intimidated but I was in basically a coma and none of it registered. (Wait till I add the Proof of how crooked it became I just have to be-careful because these are court cases.)
Notice there was a Medical Referral, then Notice she always starts with Client Reports, such as Client reports that shortly just after falling down the stairs. Client reports that he is not suicidal. Wait hold on go back what was between Down the stairs. (Period) Client reports that he is not suicidal and So on. This is a day after the not remembering report from being knocked out from the fall from the top of the stairs, Clear Proof all these are edited against me and the true seriousness of how bad my medical was but in the future you will see just how bad it was and how the cops took advantage of it at every turn this isnt nothing compared to after the jail.(Im holding back alot of reports off the blog)
(I feel like they have a Procedure established for dealing with bad medical situations so as to spend the least amount of money while destroying every piece of evidence then intimidating the person from coming forward, see while half the people are shaking their heads however also not saying anything to help cause of what they could lose (Mental Intimidation) then the other half of these Officers who are just heartless and do the dirty work of being complete assholes and physically intimidating people and who are covering it all up in the Jail, so wait all this with everything and with as many inmates as they have its common sense they are gonna have medical problems but they fix and gain is to intimidate and cover it up I mean think about it how the hell is this not in the budget so you hold people against their will some are mostly innocent of a true crime then not allow them medical what in the hell is wrong them.) Just wait I held back from posting the big stuff due to the case.
(Its a natural force inside me to care about others, im slow and my brain its very hard to keep on a subject or thought only if I could express in some way how difficult it is to explain a physical barrier that you can not see unless your inside of me looking out not just a mental barrier but physical real barrier plus the mental barrier, so for example my medical injury causes real dysfunction such as not understanding a few sentences someone speaks and I get confusion in the conversation, such as saying words without meaning to added with the mental barrier together my brain just shuts down, or my legs just give out, its so hard for someone else to know what a TBI survivor is going through on the inside cause while some of my injury is physically noticeable most of it is not)
Its like the American Solider in a small sense you can either go to college and shape your world exactly how you want it, but to fight for a cause that is for others benefit to secure the liberty and safety that allows a brighter future for our children and love ones that some people feel it as a calling in life, there must be sacrifice of course but people do this because its morally sound for us all to enjoy a happiness that is prosperous of the harmony we share with each other, and so to stop those who destroy that spirit we all feel as the Human Race together for their greed or selfish desires, but because of Wars or tasks involved from the events it takes that happiness from those and so its our jobs as Americans to comfort and help restore that to those American Solider's (Now im not a Solider BUT I can relate to the happiness that was stolen from me from the physical hurt and mental hurt and who else is better to commend for their sacrifice's I also relate it to this because these people sustain physical injury and mental injury in the process even those who never step foot on a battle ground suffer injury I promise they do you just cant physically see it. Note: I deserve nothing compared to the American Soldier )
(Back to the Jail) (IM STILL IN EDITING STAGE)
Or even maybe they let it go so much and screwed up so bad that they just attempted to cover it up to save their jobs so use to doing it that not believing someone would have the balls and the truth enough to face them down, (This is speaking as in a whole this is over several years) its sorta like a Veteran when a man fights with honor and dignity and for the right cause against a bully who the strategy of a Bully is to intimidate and keep coming at you with a fear cause if you dont fear the bully who cares about the bully right he isnt much of bully but when brave soldiers stand up to that bully for the right cause its worth it to prevent the harm of others who are not that brave (but comes home and know one knows what really happened and can relate forcing them to feel like a outsider) its like the twin towers regardless of who the bad guy was Bin Ladden or some crook here in America no matter who it was the official situation was to make sure it didnt happen again and ensure that those kinds of incidents would be prevented every single man who laid his life down, lost a leg or a arm or eye but comes back with major PTSD the if that man hides in his house and in his own fears, and regrets, is caged by his personal hurts and keep him from being the man he was before inside himself and not many citizens he fought for takes the time to care for him we are patronizing ur own hero's by doing this but im just saying it for a example.
What does a veteran of a war have to do with a man who was in jail and injured (Hard to relate I know but the PTSD is sort of the same, and what better way to open peoples eyes to a understanding so deep of hurt so painful it can only be understood from experience or events explained so others can understand it in such a way that can be seen within their reality and so that it helps people who deserve it) for example my fears while im not the solider who comes home from a war but just as that solider may see enemy's in a sense everywhere he goes feeling like anyone could be a terrorist and the same deep care for others (Now I didnt sign up for this so that man who did to fight for others deserves so much respect im not in no way even worthy to even be compared to him/her just to make that clear but I have that same fight in me to stand up for example PTSD I am someone who can relate in a very big way and if I can make difference out of it I will cause what happen to me is very real now the Solider who returns home still seeing enemy everywhere or is depressed (Now this is not me but its a good point for our heros and it leads me to my point im making) because he believed in something worth fighting for and lost himself along the way and may be depressed because he cant find himself again without the help of someone saying man I cant relate to what you went through or here let me help you so im not a solider and I never went through a war but I am here for you then try to make that man feel like either his bravery was worth and the fight he is still fighting is worth it, I know im not relating this to me because its so far out there in relation but its a good point for someone you know who may have because to you the man on the outside looking in it may seem those fears of the PTSD are not real but to someone who has seen the threat from the inside those fears are real) for example the enemy is not here dressed as a enemy but the solider is trained to see threats to America and Terrorist are real so that mentally messing with his head. I will be adding more to this My point is here just the head injury is stopping it.
God I wish this physical injury was not here so I did not become so exhausted or such Headaches pain staking time to write this so that I dont sound so stupid because of the injury's effects my words can be either taken seriously or not due to it so many hours with so much pain to just write this, but what happened after is what is going to blow you mind, the Butler County Jail was just the first shot im just to burden with injury right now to break it down but as long as im not dead I will tell my story.
I see the enemy everyday but their not dressed in enemy clothes or have a flag that's says here I am their everyday American citizens who have become piss poor morally or a growth of selfishness ( caused by such a habit thats not even noticeable to them maybe) but miss guided raised they lost their moral compass or ticker) and are being destroyed within and causing this beautiful county and our Morally sound neighbors and brothers, sisters friends to be destroyed from within from their greed or because of the character in witch they hold them selves like like a sickness that destroys within slowly and it refuses to allow the function enough to grown in a healthy way, lost their moral compass like blinded by in another direction to such, who do I see all these people trying to cover these events up and just wait till I get some support and funding you will see everything I provide is solid TRUTH.
With the rest of the info you sorta miss whats happened the Judges fraudulently pushed me out of the court, the county also fraudulently refused me discovery (further) as well the judge agreed with them when I post that your Jaw will drop but I found its obvious it was illegal and their just taking advantage of my injury's it may take me awhile to catch up but I do and so Im trying to fix it I am but its alot to do when your limited by injury, function, and finances. (Like how are you suppose to get anywhere with very limited money and a Fake internet where the people dont answer back messages the phones plugged into a phone app but I am crazy right, Dare to debate me cause I got proof for days its nuts they went beyond their ranks to push me away from this and just the Mental Health therapist said OH its just PTSD you just feel like your internet is fake and all that till I showed her the facts 3 Police reports later, call to the FBI and the DOJ Noone is trying to hear it hmmmmm BUT I GOT PROOF WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Relating to the practice, manners or conduct of men as social beings in relation to each other, and with reference to right and wrong. The word moral is applicable to actions that are good or evil, virtuous or vicious, and has reference to the law of God as the standard by which their character is to be determined. The word however may be applied to actions which affect only, or primarily and principally, a person's own happiness.
Persons own Happiness ever been around a miserableness person bet not for long, dont let those American soldiers PTSD destroy their own Moral soundness, or the next door neighbor be brave and compliment them, encaurge them
If your wondering how you can help (Just Added)
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