Friday, January 17, 2020

Here is the story from the county of Butler.

  Attention to all: My Ability that is limited by a Traumatic Brain Injury because of these situations and events only allows me so much time to explain these situations of the corruption but ill keep updating the blog as much as my health allows it but trying to ensure i dont sound like a idiot due to the TBI is a task in it self.

Some is a repeat of the first Post, 

 Start edit here, work towards final edit since the new website.

   In short.

 In 2015 im convicted of Possession for a bag of dust found in the vehicle that I was in, the owner of the vehicle in trial and in statement told the judge it was not mine, the judge threw out this evidence from the court and the Jury and then found me guilty of possession, I served 2 and half years on probation and was dropped down to none reporting probation for no failed drug test paid fines and no problems, one month later I was then arrested for not reporting in, the same (Or about I try to give you just facts) day it was issued... This speaks for it self. (Note that new fines and ALL probation time restarted the day I was found in violation also note worthy is that this was one month before the jails busy summer comes hence empty jail and more fines also this same P.O had about 30 other probationers in court with me complaining of basically the same thing)

 I enter the Butler County Jail and have a allergic reaction to my medication, seizure of sort and it paralyzed my body for several hours and was rushed to the hospital, my medications where removed.

 I keep sending in forms for new medications since I was having serious anxiety issues and they said that the Doctor was to expensive to come in more then once a month, however the guards allowed me to become a porter to help with the anxiety, two weeks later I have a anxiety attack and so I am then placed in a medical cell, later on I have a anxiety attack but no guards where at their post and within few minutes I ended up passing out and hitting my head on the toilet, and when I woke up and had to bang on the door since the guard was not on the pod, I was found with a large lump on my head and was moved to a different medical pod in the jail.

Several times while in this medical pod I keep falling over, such as standing up to stars and falling my balance was causing me to not be able to walk straight, several reports show this.

So after about 5 days im finally allowed a shower, im ordered to go to another pod with the shower up stairs and coming down the stairs I fall, was unconscious and woke up in the hospital with a concussion and sent back with orders from the hospital they straight ignored I will show you why soon.

The next few days are very unclear however the reports show I dont remember falling down the steps, I was placed on suicide watch for some odd reason, (I believe now it was to attack my credibility of the truth)

So I start having issues such as migraines and blurred vision, unable to think clear and function normally, I started hearing mumbling voices in my ears and my vision was blurred walls closing in and so they moved me across the dorm away from all noise because of the mumbling sound I was hearing, a day later I was moved off suicide watch because the cell was driving me crazy I got nothing but evidence for this.

I started demanding medical attention as you will soon see in the images I have provided and the basics of how they covered it up, how they manipulated this and that and best of all with their own words and reports, I will also be showing the results of these injury's you will be shown the intense intimidation the way they would confuse, manipulate and attack a human being worse then cruelty to animals from all ends to cover this up, psychological warfare all just to keep you Ignorant of the truth, by running me off of my own identity as you will soon see, I cant call my self brave because in truth I was basically in a coma for a year and was just able to live through it but now I know how this could happen to others how unfair it is to innocent people being manipulated and tricked into a false reality, I know its just crazy sounding and because of the PTSD Im in a mental health therapy and at first they thought I was crazy but you cause this type of harm to the people in my city and I will hang that ass out to dry so I started dropping evidence of the intimidation, the identity the manipulation and so on, and there are small spots the cops tried to doctor the reports to make me sound crazy but you cant frame the innocent who their heart is pure with love and so I may be slow and I admit as much to my dishonor that they got over on me several times due to the slowness of my comprehending conversation in the moment but im healing and so these therapist they no longer look at me like im just crazy because even a guy who is slow thinking like me sees the obvious attempts at desperation from these cruel people from the hospitals, jails, police forces and even to the courts, I already busted three judges for Fraud (Just lack funding and health to further it) defined and with Supreme court cases to back up the events all just to cover up their crimes so now they know the truth and so shall you, this is are state and if the people are ignorant to the institutes that serve them they become the servants and so the blind leading the blind and so shall you now know the truth from these events of the institutes that serve you so that Ohio (One of the leading states in American Politics and the heart of this country) shall be stronger  then but just wait its going to sound strange at first but the facts are here, the evidence is here just keep reading it will become clear.

A Strong Point

What Country or ethical American Establishment

Would allow someone to be untreated for a physical injury then allow them more injury until such deterioration  that you place them into a strapped in restraint chair for 4-8 hours a day directly due to the injury for  at-least 10 days all while screaming and passing out from anxiety the whole time, then send a guard in to beat him up just to shut him up I mean who allows someone 4 head injury's (Permanently injury back) because it cost to much to send them to a hospital all for a unlawful incarceration due to a Mistake. The Truth is going to blow your mind! (There is something like 6 hospitals within a 15mile radius of the Jail either physical or mental either would of done more then they had)

Then a Hamilton County Judge refuses to send the summons out (Besides the guard who slammed my head into the floor repetitively) despite clear evidence of HUGE injury and HUGE blame can we all come together and say COVER UP!!! We can not afford to let people believe they can get away with treating the people of our city like that what if it was your kid, your brother, your sister, your husband all for a minor a crime lets use reasoning here people this is sick!

I have to in my heart believe that these people were not some evil mindless tormentors and that some policy stopped them from sending me to the hospital as my memory recall several of them saying that the LT wont approve the hospital visit and that from their view it was needed but there was nothing they could do, however so it seems I wont ever know because IM NOT ALLOWED TO EVEN ASK THEM the Judge denied my summons of them, so what else could of stopped them from just sending me to the hospital even lets just say it was to save their own ass was this some sort of cover up, what was it?

                                          Its not all of them, but each one is me being placed in a restraint chair they never mention its because I was screaming and kicking the door begging for a hospital due to me hearing mumbling voices, the walls where caving and shadows all around me walls looks like they where breathing and my brain was so confused and not working correctly, as I had a bad Traumatic brain Injury that was so obvious even from their edited reports that noone in their right mind could ignore and as I was found incompetent a whole year later and to this day still am suffering HUGE affects of this TBI. Each stay in that chair was atleast 2 hours but sometimes it be 4-8 hours and by law each person who placed me in that chair is technically guilty of Deliberate Indifference to a Serious medical condition regardless of their boss said NO or not (See my complaint it has the case law in it that the judge still denied) Not to mention I have a Good life before this financially sound and fixing their screw up)

                                    These are different from above (Date and Time) Even if you took the whole head injury part out MENTAL HEALTH wise why would you not just send me to a hospital if im that big of a problem you have to come in and beat my head into the floor or put me in a restraint chair over and over the only conclusion is Money and Policy??

I added a recent Injury report  Here Bottom of the page

But go search for the case number on Broken System you wont find the case why is that???????  (This is Justia Docket if its public its here)

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